Matters of Community
These are a sampling of the registered members and member firms of Spark. They are the reason the Spark is hot.
Company Name | Country |
24d-studio | Japan |
34th Street Partnership | USA |
3M | USA |
Aakash Dewan | India |
AaltoDesign | SW |
Aartisto Solutions | India |
Academia | BD |
Academic of Art University | USA |
ACME Designers | India |
ACTUART | Hungary |
AdamsMorioka, Inc. | USA |
Addis Creson | USA |
Adriano Pupilli Architect | Australia |
AhnLab | S. Korea |
Al Idrissi Trading Est. | Saudi Arabia |
Al Rajhi Projects | Saudi Arabia |
Alex Pellegrino Design | USA |
allied advertising | LB |
ALSAVI | Spain |
altera estudio | MX |
American Pharmacist Association | USA |
Amirkabir University of Technology | IR |
Ammunition | USA |
amphibianArc | USA |
Andrea Ruggiero Design | USA |
Andy Tong Interiors Ltd | Hong Kong |
Aniden Interactive | USA |
Anmex | Brazil |
Anvil Studios, Inc | USA |
Appalachian State University | USA |
applied art | EG |
Architectural Initiatives | Canada |
Architecture Firm | USA |
Arjun Rathi | India |
Arredamenti Company Limited | Hong Kong |
Art Center College of Design | USA |
Art Institute of Philadelphia | USA |
Arthrex | USA |
Artistic Visuals | USA |
Ash Tree Design | Canada |
Asia University | Taiwan |
Australiatodesk | USA |
AustraliatoMate | IL |
Aveiro University | PT |
B Compact | Australia |
B N C A | India |
B R Engineering | India |
Baker Design Group | Canada |
Bang & Olufsen | Denmark |
Banty Design Enterprise Co ., | CN |
Barber Osgerby | UK |
BARRIE HO Architecture Interiors Ltd. | Hong Kong |
Basicly | Denmark |
Belgrade polytechnic | RS |
Beogradska politehnika | RS |
Bertrandt | FR |
Beyer Industrial Design | USA |
Beyond Design, Inc. | USA |
Bharath University | India |
Billy Blue College of Design | Australia |
BIOS Design Collective | USA |
BITS hyderabad | India |
Blacktree Health | USA |
Blofield | Netherlands |
BLU Architecture & Interiors | SA |
Blue Sky Design | USA |
Bluelounge | USA |
Bluemap Design | USA |
Boor Bridges Architecture | USA |
Brandforce | Argentina |
brandtank | USA |
Branko Micic | Serbia and Montenegro |
Break Free Ltd | Ireland |
Breathnach Donnellan O’Brien + MEDS | IE |
Brick Design | USA |
Brickwork | India |
Brightgreen | Australia |
bucks new uni | GB |
Bugaboo | USA |
Bukyong National Univ. | Korea |
Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule | DE |
burg giebichenstein University of art and design | DE |
Buro Happold | USA |
California College of the Arts | USA |
Callison | USA |
Campos Leckie Studio | Canada |
Carleton University | Canada |
CarlWuensche | AustraliaSAtria |
Carmel MHSS, Erode | India |
Carnegie Mellon University | USA |
Carpentry Works | Ireland |
Casagrande Laboratory | FI |
Case-Mate | USA |
Catarina militão Jewelry Design | Portugal |
Catherine MurphyID | USA |
Catholic of University Daegu | S. Korea |
CBi China Bridge | CN |
Cental Saint Martins College of Art & Design | UK |
chameleon technology partners | USA |
Changwon national University | S. Korea |
Chanteh Design Associate | USA |
CHARGE id | S. Korea |
Charlie Góngora Design | USA |
Chelsea Improvement Company | USA |
Chen Design | S. Korea |
Cheongju univ. | S. Korea | | USA |
Chitawon Milk Limited | Nepal |
CL&S | USA |
Classico, Inc. | S. Korea |
ClAustraliadio Sibille Marenco | UY |
codetta product design inc. | S. Korea |
Colin Selig | S. Korea |
COLLEGE | India |
College for Creative Studies | USA |
Comart One | India |
Comcast | USA |
Comhere | USA |
COMODO Interior & Furniture Design Co Ltd | Hong Kong |
Concepts4Today | S. Korea |
Continuum | USA |
Cooper Union School of Art | USA |
Cosa Nostra | PL |
Covidien | Ireland |
CPS COLOR | Brazil |
Cranbrook Academy of Art | USA |
crankytwin | USA |
Creative Design Inc. | USA |
Creative Source (Pvt.) Limited | Pakistan |
Creativestudio11 | Lebanon | | Australia |
Cresyn | S. Korea |
Crist!an creativestudio | ES |
CritWalls Inc. | USA |
CSD Poliarte, Ancona Italy | IT |
Culvahouse Consulting | USA |
Curve ID | USA |
Cusp Development | USA |
D O T C L O U D S | Netherlands |
D.I. Javeriana | CO |
d.light design | CN |
Daegu Catholic Univ | S. Korea |
Daegu University | S. Korea |
Dankook University | S. Korea |
Danny Cheng Interiors Ltd | Hong Kong |
Dapeeza Aesthetic Designs | Nigeria |
Davide Macullo Architects | CH |
Daymon Worldwide Korea | S. Korea |
DB&B Pte Ltd | Singapore |
Deap Design LLC | USA |
Defibtech | USA |
Delta Electronics, Inc. | Taiwan |
demetra p | Greece |
Design Center Busan | Korea |
Design Concepts, Inc. | USA |
Design Mind | Netherlands |
Design O´Clock – Management and Development | Brazil |
designboom | IT |
Designit | Germany |
designsori | S. Korea |
DesignThink | USA |
Designwerk | GB |
Destin Design School | USA |
Deutsche Telekom AG | Germany |
Dezines | EG |
Diamond Schmitt Architects | CA |
digidew | UK |
Divide By Four | BE |
D’Light Consulting | India |
domus academy | IT |
Don Dante Clothing | USA |
DongA | S. Korea |
DongSeo University | S. Korea |
DOSU Studio Architecture/University of Southern California | USA |
Doyenne Design | USA |
Drexel University | USA |
dsfsadf | BT |
DSK ISD International School of Design | India |
Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design | GB |
dzinersgarage | India |
e2 – Experiential Environments | Australia |
EAI | France |
Easy Keepers, LLC | USA |
ECCO Design Inc. | USA |
École européenne supérieure d’arts de bretagne site de lorient | FR |
ED Design Group | Singapore |
Edinburgh Napier University | GB |
Edison Universe | USA |
Ehab Makhlouf Design Studio | Egypt |
ehline design | USA |
Eight Inc. | USA |
Eklego Design | EG |
el dorado inc | USA |
EL IT LLP | Singapore |
elemental8 | USA |
ELFIdesign di Arango Fabio | Italy |
Emanuele Spano & C. | IT |
Emily Carr University | CA |
Empty Space Architecture | PT |
Enlisted Design | USA |
Enswers Inc. | S. Korea |
entasis | Mexico |
Envien Innovation | USA |
envo design ltd | GB |
Espacios | MX |
Essential | USA |
Estonian University of Life Sciences | EE |
Evolve Sense | USA |
Ewha Womans University | S. Korea |
Exhibit Arquitectura y construcción S.A. de C.V. | Mexico |
Experientia | Italy |
Fabric Images, Inc. | USA |
Faculty of Philosophy, UNED | ES |
Fareportal Inc. | USA | | DE |
Fikst Product Development | USA |
FINE Design Group | USA |
Firdos Furnishers | India |
Fisker Australiatomotive | USA |
FITCH | India |
Flox design | Italy |
formquadrat gmbh | AT |
Fortuna Interior & Architect | India |
Fortune Institute of Technology | Taiwan |
Fougeron | USA |
Frank Etc. AB | SE |
FREE (Fernando Romero EnterprisE) | MX |
Freelancer | PT |
Frohne | USA |
FUN FACTORY GmbH | Germany |
Furch | DE |
fuseproject | USA |
g2m studio | USA |
Gachon University | S. Korea |
Gee + Chung Design | USA |
Giorgio Borruso Design | USA |
Giorgio Rocco Associati srl | Italy |
Goosebumps | GB |
goyota | China |
Guangdong University of Technology | China |
Haas School of Business | USA |
Hanbat National University | S. Korea |
Hanbat Univ. | S. Korea |
Handong Global Univ. | S. Korea |
Hangzhou Xcolor Chemical Company | China |
HANLA IMS | S. Korea |
hannam University | S. Korea |
Hanoi University of Industrial Fine Arts | Viet Nam |
Hanseo University | S. Korea |
Hanyang Univ | S. Korea |
Hanyang University | S. Korea |
Hassell Ltd | Australia |
Hatch Design | USA |
HAustraliaris Industustries | USA |
Havells India Ltd | India |
Heineken International-Design Department | NL |
Henrybuilt | USA |
Herman Miller | USA |
Herman Miller Healthcare | USA |
hila benishai | Israel |
Hojjer | USA |
Hong Ik University | S. Korea |
Hoseo University | S. Korea |
HOTEL K.T. | Nepal |
Huawei Devices | China |
Humanscale | USA |
Huxi Craft Art Design | China |
Hwang Design | USA |
hyepsung | S. Korea |
IADE | PT | | USA |
IDAS | S. Korea |
ideilan diseño S.L. | ES |
idesign graphic communications inc. | Canada |
IDESS México | MX |
IIT Guwahati | India |
Imaginals | GB |
Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati | India |
Inje University | S. Korea |
Innovative Mechanical Technology | USA |
Institute of aviation of Georgia | GE |
Integrated Architecture | USA |
Interiors by Design | USA |
ISSSStudio / PATH | USA |
ISWE Ideias | BR |
Jake Frey Design | USA |
Jason Design | Korea |
jcm seating | GB |
Jeff Gregory | Canada |
Jeju National University | S. Korea |
Jensen Architects | USA |
Jeonbuk National University | S. Korea |
Jeremy Levine Design | USA |
Joe Doucet Studio | USA |
Johns Hopkins University | USA |
JONESCHIJOFF | Australia |
Jongwoo Design | S. Korea |
Joy Renee Design | USA |
Joyce’s Interiors | USA |
K Architects | Turkey |
KAHLA/Thueringen Porzellan GmbH | Germany |
Kaleidoscope | USA |
Kan and LAustralia Design Consultants | Hong Kong |
Kangaroo Design & Innovation | Canada |
Kaplow Communications | USA |
Karim Rashid Inc. | USA |
K-arts | S. Korea |
Kaymaria Green Matrix | Malaysia |
Keimyung University | S. Korea |
Kei-Myung University | S. Korea |
Kendall College of Art and Design | USA |
Kersa Design | Indiadonesia |
Ki.CL | Japan |
Kindle Living | |
Kingston University | GB |
kish international campus of University of tehran | IR |
KLS GIT | India |
KOBE DESIGN University | |
Kobi Karp Architects & Interior Design, Inc. | USA |
kon design | Hong Kong |
Koncept Technologies Inc. | USA |
Konkuk University | S. Korea |
konkuk University glocal campus | S. Korea |
Kookmin University | S. Korea |
kookMin University Graduate School of Design | S. Korea |
Kookmin University, Glocal | S. Korea |
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology | USA |
Korea Dae-gu Gatollic University | S. Korea |
Korea Design Membership/ Hannam University | S. Korea |
korea national University of arts | S. Korea |
KOREA POLYTECHNIC University | S. Korea |
Korea Polytechnic University | S. Korea |
Korea Tech | S. Korea |
Korea University | S. Korea |
Kossmann.dejong | Netherlands |
kovanik | Bulgaria |
Kovtun Design | Russia |
Kuhn Rikon | USA |
kulla studio | Israel |
Kyocera Mita | USA |
Kyung Hee University | S. Korea |
Kyung-sung University | S. Korea |
Kyungwon Univ. | S. Korea |
Kywy Creative Design | Spain |
La Fraicheur International | Netherlands |
Lasalle College of Arts | Singapore |
Leap Motion | USA |
Lebanese University | LB |
Ledi Lalaj Design | USA |
Lemongraphic | Singapore |
Lenovo | USA |
LevinsonID | USA |
LG | S. Korea |
LG Uplus Corp. | S. Korea |
Life Fitness | USA |
Light Re Vision | India |
Liminal Projects Inc. | USA |
Liquixtone Pte Ltd | Singapore |
Lisa Smith Studio | USA |
london metropolitan University | GB |
Long Island University | USA |
Loppet Design Inc. | USA |
Lorenzo Marchi | Italy |
Loreta Haaker | Peru |
LUNAR Design | USA |
LUNAR Europe GmbH | DE |
M.A.D. Associates Ltd | UK |
MAAC | India |
Macao Polytechnic Insititute | China |
M-A-D | USA |
Madd Display | Mexico |
madebygregg | USA |
Madison McCord Interiors | USA |
mags-novel | India |
MalO desig atelier | Peru |
Mammut | Jordan |
Manipal University | India |
manonthemoon | USA |
manymals | USA |
marble house | India |
Marcabranca design | PT |
Marion Cochat | France |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology | USA |
Massey University Wellington | NZ |
MAustraliak Design | USA |
Maxi File | UK |
mccann health | Australia |
mcdonalds | GB |
Medtronic, Inc. – Diabetes | USA |
mei mei design | DE |
MeikSpace | USA |
Metropolis Creative | USA |
MF Architecture | USA |
Miami Ad School Europe | USA |
MiAna Accessories oHG | DE |
Michael Mabry Design | USA |
Millimeter Interior Design Limited | Hong Kong |
Minchul Hong | USA |
Mink Atelier | Singapore |
Minna Life | USA |
Mio design | Hong Kong |
MIT institute of design | India |
MIT Media Lab | USA |
Mittuniversitietet | SE |
mlb design | Australia |
MM Design | Italy |
Mobee Technology Ltd | Taiwan |
Modo, Inc. | USA |
Mokwon University | S. Korea |
Monash University | Australia |
Moneual | S. Korea |
Moongadesigns | India |
Moss Design | USA |
Move Collective LLC | USA |
multimediafla | USA |
Mundipharma | GB |
Myongji University | S. Korea |
Nambe LLC. | USA |
Nanyang Polytechnic | Singapore |
Nanyang Technological University | Singapore |
National Cheng Kung University | Taiwan |
National Institute Of Design | India |
National Taipei University of Education | Taiwan |
National Taipei University of Technology | Taiwan |
National Taiwan University | Taiwan |
Nazywalskyj Design | CA |
NGU Designs | USA |
Nicholas Tancredi Photography,LLC | USA |
Nomadic Display | USA |
Northumbria University | MY |
notNeutral Inc. | USA |
NTUT | Taiwan |
Numbskull Inc. | USA |
Nuru Energy | Netherlands |
Off Bound Adventures | Colombia |
Off-Grid Solutions BV | NL |
ogs design | IS |
Ohio State University | USA |
Oklaohma State University | USA |
One Plus Partnership Limited | Hong Kong |
Optiled | Hong Kong |
Optimal Design | USA |
Orcadesign Consultants Pte Ltd | Singapore |
ordinaree | CN |
Origin Design | USA |
Orth Furniture & Sculpture | USA |
Otis College of Art and Design | USA |
palaestra design workshop | Australia |
Palettera Custom Correspondences | CA |
Paperclip Design Limited | Hong Kong |
Paradox Media Pte Ltd | Singapore |
Parsons the New School for Design | USA |
pAustralialdesign Ltd. | Hong Kong |
PCCW Media Limited | Hong Kong |
Phiaton Corporation | USA |
Philter Group | Australia |
Phosphor | USA |
Pitallano + Fong – CCA | USA |
Pixelbase Studio | MY |
PK&T2J Advertising Co.,Ltd. | Thailand |
Planet3Studios Architecture Pvt. Ltd. | India |
Plantronics Inc. | USA |
Ply Project | USA |
Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná | BR |
Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro | GB |
Pracownia Projektowa | PL |
Pratt Institute | USA |
Product Design, INJE University | S. Korea |
Product Development Technologies, Inc | USA |
PSG College of Technology | India |
Publichygge | Denmark |
Puc-rio | BR |
pure Australiadio | New Zealand |
Pyramid Consulting Vietnam | Viet Nam |
Quarklabs | USA |
Queen of Plastics | GB |
QuEST-GLOBAL | India |
Raad Ghantous & Associates / RG&A | USA |
Rajesh Shah and Associates | India |
Raven Design | USA |
RCdesign | USA |
Reading Room Pte Ltd, Singapore | Singapore |
REBE Design | USA |
Reflect Research & Oro Design | USA |
Ref-use, Inc. | USA |
Region Alsace | France |
reinfeenstra interieurarchotectuur | Netherlands |
Renewable Designs | USA |
Res design | USA |
Revolights | USA |
Rhode Island School of Design | USA |
Ribot Ltd | UK |
Rice University | USA |
Richardson Design | New Zealand |
Richartsmedia | CA |
RMIT University — Exertion Games Lab | Australia |
ROBRADY design | USA |
Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) | USA |
Rocketship | USA |
RosenhAustralias Design Group | USA |
Royal College of Art | GB |
Rozier Studio | USA |
rusay design llc | USA |
Ryerson University School of Interior Design | CA |
S. Koreais Lin Interior Design | CN |
Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnical University | RU |
Samsung Art and Design Instnute | S. Korea |
Samsung Design Membership/Chung-ang University | S. Korea |
Samsung Electronics | Korea |
San Jose State University | USA |
Sandhya Patil Architects | India |
SangMyung University | Korea |
Savannah College of Art and Design | USA |
SC Johnson | USA |
SCARAB studio | Poland |
School of the Art Institute of Chicago | USA |
School of Visual Arts | USA |
SCIT | India |
Scott Henderson Inc. | USA |
Scott Klinker Product Design | USA |
Sejong University | S. Korea |
Selig Sealing Products, Inc. | USA |
Seoul Digital University | S. Korea |
Seoul National University of Science and Techology | Korea |
Seoul Woman’s University | S. Korea |
Setmund leung Design ltd | Hong Kong |
Sheffield Hallam University | GB |
Shenkar college of design and engineering | IL |
Shilpkaar architects & designers | India |
Shogun Bros. Co. Ltd | Hong Kong |
Show Media | USA |
ShuckerPaddy Oyster Gear | Canada |
Silicon+ | Singapore |
Silla University | S. Korea |
Simon Masters Design Ltd. | China |
Siva | India |
Skidmore, Owings & Merrill LLP | USA |
Skullcandy | USA |
Skutchi Designs Inc. | USA |
Sky Designers Community | Korea |
Smart Design | USA |
Smartstreets Ltd | GB |
SNUT | Korea |
Sookmyung Women University | S. Korea |
Soongsil univ. | S. Korea |
Space Solutions | VN |
Speck Design | USA |
Spire Design | Singapore |
Springtime industrial design | NL |
SRM University | India |
St. George Tafe | Australia |
Stanford University | USA |
Steelcase | USA |
Sterling Interior Designer (Pvt.) Ltd | Pakistan |
Stickman Design | United Arab Emirates |
Stimmel Consulting Group | USA |
Stone Spray | NL |
Streetwave | Singapore |
Strong Arm Technologies | USA |
Studio Backs | USA |
Studio Fresco | USA |
Studio Hinrichs | USA |
studio mk27 | BR |
Studio NL | GR |
StudioInvisible | Lebanon |
studiomk27 | Brazil |
StyleSays | USA |
Sungkyunkwan University | S. Korea |
SUNY Plattsburgh | USA |
Synthesis Design + Architecture | USA |
Syracuse University | USA |
T.O.D.A. Group | USA |
TAGbrands | LB |
Tamilnadu School Of Architecture | India |
Tamkang University | Taiwan |
Tarbiat modares University | IR |
TARGET | India |
Taylor’s University | MY |
Team Grey | USA |
Team ‘O’ | S. Korea |
TEAMS Design | USA |
Technical Institution of Patras | GR |
Technische Universität München | Germany |
TED ShangHai | China |
Tekna | USA |
Temple University | USA |
temporeterrae | S. Korea |
Terrestrial | South Africa |
Tesla Motors | USA |
Tess Luthman Architect | USA |
Texas State University | USA |
The Andes House | Chile |
The Art Institute of California-Inland Empire | USA |
The ED Designs Group Pte Ltd | Singapore |
The Interior Design Company | Pakistan |
The Lawrence School, Lovedale | India |
The Matrix Urban Designers and Architects | ZA |
The University of the Arts | USA |
theorem design | Hong Kong |
Thesis.Theories | UK |
Thinc Design | USA |
Thomas Malmberg Design | Sweden |
Thompson Young Design | USA |
Ticket Design Pvt Ltd | India |
TITHOF tile and marble | USA |
Tomasz Starczewski | GB |
Tomorrow Partners | USA |
Tonal design | GB |
Transparency International | DE |
treecorona | CN |
Treo Designs | India |
trifle | Korea |
TSG Design | Norway |
TU Delft | NL |
TUCKK LLP | Singapore |
Tulane University | USA |
Twisthink | USA |
UC Berkeley | USA |
UC Berkeley Haas | USA |
Uduria | Egypt |
UID, Umeå Institute of Design | FR |
Ultradent | USA |
Umeå Institute of Design | SE |
Undress design | ES |
Uneka Concepts, Inc. | USA |
Unforgettable Web Designs | USA |
Uniads Limited | India |
Uniken Inc | India |
UniRitter LAustraliareate International Universities | BR |
United Everything | AT |
Univ. of Kyung-sung | Korea |
Universidad Australiatonoma de Colombia | CO |
Universidad de monterrey | MX |
Universidad de Sevilla | ES |
Universidad Nacional de Colombia | CO |
Universitas Pelita Harapan | ID |
Universiti Kuala Lumpur , Institute of Product Design and Manufacturing | MY |
Universiti Teknologi MARA | MY |
University of Architecture and Urbanism Ion Mincu, Bucharest, Romania | RO |
University of Arts i Poznan | Poland |
University of Cincinnati, DAAP | USA |
University of east london | GB |
University of Edinburgh | GB |
University of Fine Arts Linz | AT |
University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign | USA |
University of Malaya | MY |
University of Michigan | USA |
University of Pennsylvania | USA |
University of Salford | GB |
University of science and Technology Peking | CN |
University of Seoul | S. Korea |
University of South Australiastralia | Australia |
University of Sydney | Australia |
University of Tehran | IR |
University of Wales Institute | S. Korea |
University of West-Hungary, Institut of Applied Arts | HU |
University of Wuppertal | DE |
University of Wuppertal | DE |
Upupa Studio | IL |
Urban Layout Consulting | USA |
UserINNOV Design Company Pvt. Ltd. | India |
Vapor Studio | USA |
VAustraliaghan Schloss Piane | USA |
VCM Associates | United Arab Emirates |
Veeg Corp | Algeria |
VehicleSF | USA |
Vestel Electronics A.^. | Turkey |
Victoria University of Wellington | NZ |
Virginia tech | USA |
Virtual Studio | USA |
Visual Debate | USA |
Vladimir Djurovic Landscape Architecture | Lebanon |
Volume Inc. | USA |
Wacahchan Studio | MX |
Walter E Smithe Furniture | USA |
Waseda University | Japan |
way2creative | Taiwan |
We Are Pure | UK |
Well-Tech | IT |
Whipsaw, Inc. | USA |
Whirlpool Corporation | USA |
whitewall design studio | PhilippIndiaes |
Wild Fine Art Jewellery | Australia |
Wind Simplicity Inc | Canada |
Winona State University | USA |
Wipro Technologies | India |
Working Angels | Singapore |
Workshop Architects | USA |
World Kitchen LLC | USA |
Wow Architects | Singapore |
WYNK | Singapore |
y+M design office Co. | Japan |
Yale School of Architecture | USA |
Yeungnam University | S. Korea |
Yong-in University | S. Korea |
Yonsei University | S. Korea |
Yoon | USA |
Young & de la Sota Architecture | USA |
Yuba Bicycles | USA |
Yumi nakamura | USA |
Yutaka Sasaki Design Studio | USA |
Zero Nine Design, LLC | USA |
Zoe Design Associates | USA |