Entry Fees

Spark has a two-phase process for entry fees. “Phase 1” consists of a basic registration fee, which all entrants pay to participate. These entries are then judged by the Spark Jury Chairs to select a shortlist of Finalist Candidates for the “Phase 2” live jury, which selects winners. There is a second fee for the shortlisted Finalist Candidates, which must be paid prior to the live jury sessions (before the Phase 2 deadline). Only the shortlisted Finalists pay this second fee. The shortlist will be announced on the Spark website home page and by email. Only Candidates who have paid their fee can be considered official Finalists and judged for winner selection.

The Spark Design Awards have three pricing tiers, (Early, Standard and Late) which vary depending on the award category. Click on the categories below to see their current fee levels.
Student Design

Concept Pro

Notes on Fees
The entry fees are established by the price list in effect at the time of registration. Entrant’s full payment, completed registration form, the design images, video and supporting documents must be received by the competition’s published closing date. This requirement is for all submissions. Entry fees may change without notice. However, entrants who have registered and paid their fee are guaranteed entry at their original fee.

This is a two-stage competition process. The first stage will entail an online entry submission of a fee, photo’s, video and English-language descriptions of the design entry. These will be judged by the Spark jurors and a “shortlist” of Finalists chosen. Then for the second stage, the shortlisted Finalist entries will be judged by the live Spark Juries. This chooses the ultimate Spark Award Winners. Both stages have a specific entry fee, but only shortlisted entrants pay both fees. Note that an entry is not considered an official Finalist or Winner until the Finalist fee has been paid.

If you feel that your design would be applicable in more than one category, Spark offers a 33% discount for each subsequent entry of the same design in a different category. For example, an electric car submission to Spark-E might also be great in Spark Transport. If you would like to take advantage of this discount, email Spark and we’ll provide you with a discount coupon code. (Note that this discount is only applicable to additional entries of the same design in a new category(s)– the primary submission is at full price.) (Not applicable to Student Design.)

Note to educators and students: all student design must be entered in the Spring or the Fall Student competitions only (NOT the Pro competitions). They include all design discipline categories, such as product design, architecture, digital and graphics.

Basic Entry Benefits Include: Shortlist Jury review (selects Finalists) and an entry-specific Gallery Page (for remainder of current competition year);

Shortlisted Finalists Benefits Include: Live Jury review of Finalists (selects Winners); Finalist PDF Certificate; Logo Rights and logo badge .

Opt-in Entry Packages

Additional fee items below are completely optional and not required for an entry. (Entry Packages are for Pro entries only. No Students, sorry!) If you are interested in any of these packages, please reach out to Spark on the contact page.

Printed Finalist & Winner Certificates: US $100 each certificate plus shipping (international- $100; USA- $20)

Value-Added Package For Entrants:  US$1300

Winner’s Circle Package For Winners: US$1550